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What We Offer

Intern Foundry Program

Intern Foundry Program

The Intern Foundry (IF) program is an intentionally designed partnership between the Foundry and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Honors Program to address the “brain drain” in Nebraska by pairing the University's highest achieving students with meaningful work-based learning opportunities addressing critical areas of high community need. By building the critical bridge between high-achieving talent and local organizations in need of capacity, the IF program helps build a strong pipeline of future talent, leadership, and volunteers across Nebraska.

In the IF program, students are matched with a partner organization based on a student’s skills and interests and an organization’s needs. Students receive targeted training on purpose-driven project management before undertaking a project of their design, working approximately 10 hours/week for 15 weeks. These projects are developed with the supervisor and support the organization’s mission and most urgent needs. View a portfolio of these projects here

The IF program launched in 2022 with 9 students interning at 8 nonprofits, and grew to 30 students interning at 20 nonprofits in 2024. To date, 70 students have been served by the Intern Foundry program with new cohorts each semester. 

For more information, contact to inquire about hosting an intern, applying for an internship, or sponsoring the program.

Key Outcomes of the Intern Foundry Program


Skill Development

Project management skills, such as planning, communication, time management, and problem-solving, are valuable to students and employers. These skills are useful for many jobs in our state—particularly with nonprofits, public-sector organizations, and purpose-driven businesses.

The Power of Mentorship

The strength of the IF program is the collaboration between students and supervisors on meaningful work-based learning projects. With our support, the nonprofits, public-sector organizations, and purpose-driven businesses who support IF can provide this experience to IF interns despite limited capacity.

Building Community

Capacity The Intern Foundry program allows partner nonprofits to undertake projects they otherwise may not be able to complete. It further provides a pipeline for future volunteers and employees invested in the organization’s mission and work.

Addressing Brain Drain in Nebraska

The IF program invigorates the community by injecting high-achieving students’ creativity and hard work. Experience deeply roots students in the community, creating a greater likelihood of continuing to invest in purpose-driven work, local communities, and the state following graduation.